$10k 👉 $525k

$10k 👉 $525k
Photo by Lina Trochez / Unsplash

We got a wonderful report back from Noel Musicha on the $10,000 investment that New Technical Fund made in his Flower Concept being rolled out in Linda Vista, CA.

The Remarkable Impact of a $10,000 Investment in Our Community

Four years ago, a generous collective of donors at the 7CTOs retreat came together to support our local youth in Linda Vista with a significant donation of $10,000. Today, I am thrilled to share the incredible journey of how this investment has transformed lives and reshaped our community.

Strategic and Impactful Use of Funds

The donation was utilized thoughtfully over the years, addressing critical areas that mattered most to our community. Recently, we intensified our efforts as many of our youths reached their senior year in high school, marking a pivotal moment in their lives.

One of our most notable initiatives involved taking our soccer team on transformative trips that have opened doors to unimaginable opportunities. Our first trip took us to Rocky Mountain College in Montana, made possible largely through your support. This visit wasn't just a travel experience but a life-changing event for our students. Three talented young people from our community secured scholarships totaling $125,000, enabling them to pursue four years of education at the college. This achievement alone highlights the powerful leverage of thoughtful investment in youth.

Following this, we organized a trip to Los Angeles, which I fondly refer to as "your trip," since it was directly funded by the remaining balance of your initial gift. This journey was equally successful, with two of our students earning full-ride scholarships at a prestigious private university, valuing $400,000 over four years.

Broader Community Impact

Beyond individual success stories, your contribution has fueled a broader change within Linda Vista. Our sports programs have seen a dramatic increase in participation. Where once we struggled to gather enough players for a single soccer team, we now have over eighty youths turning up for tryouts, with similar enthusiasm now spreading to basketball and American football.

These programs are doing more than just keeping kids engaged; they are a crucial part of our strategy to combat societal issues like gang violence. A friend recently shared with me a profound observation: the local gangs are diminishing because they lack a new generation of members. It's clear that our young people are now choosing sports and education over life on the streets, thanks to the opportunities you helped provide.

A Continued Call for Support

As we press on with our mission, the need for continued support remains critical. We are planning another trip to Montana where more young talents have the chance to secure scholarships. These opportunities are only possible with your generosity.

This is a heartfelt plea to consider extending your support to enable more life-changing experiences for our youth. You can contribute through ATN, ensuring that your donation directly enhances our programs.

From the depths of my heart, I thank you. Your initial act of kindness has been a catalyst for enduring positive change. We look forward to achieving even more, with your continued partnership in reimagining and enriching the lives of our young people in Linda Vista.

With deepest gratitude and love,

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